Asthma is a condition that is typically characterized by respiratory symptoms, including shortness of breath, wheezing, and coughing. However, when symptoms are chronic or persistent, the person may also suffer from secondary symptoms such as fatigue and daytime...
Most people who think of asthma think of this as a childhood condition that results in occasional wheezing. However, for many patients, asthma continues well into adulthood, and can severely impact their ability to lead normal lives. As many as one in 13 people in...
Asthma patients may be at a higher risk of the respiratory complications brought on by infection with the Corona virus or Covid-19. Here’s how you can mitigate your risks of contracting this deadly disease. First of all, a Covid-19 infection is not just the common...
Roughly 9% of all senior citizens in the United States suffer from asthma. As the numbers of people above the age of 65 with this condition increase, doctors are warning of a spike in the number of seniors who will find it difficult to function as a result of asthmatic symptoms. Asthma can cause breathing difficulties in all patients, but…
Asthma can result in breathlessness and extreme sensitivity to fumes, odor, smoke, dust particles, and a variety of other contaminants that may be present in a work environment. Therefore, it would seem that this condition should qualify for Social Security disability benefits. It is, however, more complicated. If you suffer from chronic asthmatic bronchitis, which means that you frequently suffer…