Colostomies are performed in some cases of colon cancer, or severe cases of gastrointestinal illness or Irritable Bowel Syndrome. After a colostomy, stools are no longer emptied through the rectum and the anus. Instead, they are passed into the colostomy bag or pouch which must be replaced 2 to 3 times a day. A colostomy can be the very last…
According to new studies, exercising, maintaining a healthy diet and practicing relaxation techniques in the weeks before colon cancer surgery could actually help a person recover quicker. The results came from a study consisting of 38 patients. These patients were put through a “prehabilitation” program for roughly 24 days. During the prehabilitation, they took part in approximately 50 minutes of…
Colostomy is a surgical procedure that is performed to treat numerous gastrointestinal conditions and injuries, as well as certain types of cancer. During this procedure, one end of the large intestine is brought out through the abdominal wall. Stools are emptied into a bag that is attached to the abdomen. Sometimes referred to as bowel diversion therapy, colostomies are typically…