Social Security disability benefits may be available for persons who struggle with abuse or addiction. However, the benefits are not paid out based on the abuse or addiction, but based on the medical impairment or disability brought out by the abuse.
For many persons who struggle with substance abuse or addiction, making the decision to get help can be difficult. Many persons do not seek the help they require for many factors. A person may feel ashamed to seek help for a condition he feels he has no control over, and in other cases, may feel ashamed to reveal the condition to his family and friends.
Another major barrier to seeking treatment is the cost involved. Many persons lack insurance which can help them with the costs of rehab.
There are several options available for persons who seek abuse or addiction treatment. The Help website has plenty of resources for persons seeking rehab centers based on accessibility and cost. Many centers offer payment options as well as sliding scale fee options or even scholarships.
Close to 12 percent of Georgia’s population currently has a drug problem. That translates to close to 1.2 million people, and those are staggering numbers in any content. Another 3.5 percent of the state population or 377,000 Georgia residents struggle with an alcohol addiction. Whether you’re seeking help for alcohol addiction, heroin or methamphetamine addiction or any other kind of substance abuse, the Help website will help you find low cost treatment options that help you get back on the road to recovery.
There are a number of different conditions that may be linked to substance abuse. These include heart and cardiovascular problems, and liver or kidney damage. Liver cirrhosis or liver disease is a common medical condition in long-term alcoholics. There may also be gastrointestinal problems, and respiratory issues. There are indirect consequences of drug abuse as well. Many drug users develop complications associated with HIV/AIDS after using contaminated needles. While it may be hard to predict off the bat if you will qualify for Social Security disability benefits when your condition is linked to substance abuse, it is worth a discussion about your legal options.