Today, October 6, is World Cerebral Palsy Day, reminding us of the challenges facing over 17 million people impacted by this disorder. Most individuals with cerebral palsy are diagnosed at birth, although some infants are diagnosed a few months after birth. There is no cure for cerebral palsy, and it is a lifelong disability. Some individuals with cerebral palsy can qualify for Social Security disability benefits. To be approved for benefits as an adult, you must have medical evidence showing one of the following:
- An IQ of 70 or less
- Abnormal behavior patterns
- A significant difficulty in spoken or visual communication
- A significant difficulty with motor function in two limbs, resulting in sustained disturbance of large movements, fine motor skills, walking or standing.
For the medical qualifications for children, click here. Some adults with cerebral palsy won’t meet any of these medical standards for benefits. However, if due to the severity of your disorder, you are unable to earn more than approximately $1,130 annually, you may still qualify for benefits. You can get your doctor to fill out a Residual Functional Capacity (RFC) evaluation. The Social Security Administration (SSA) will use the RFC to examine your disabilities, education, and work history. The SSA will then determine whether you are eligible for disability benefits.
If you have any questions about applying for disability benefits for cerebral palsy, contact this law firm.