Everyday People Matter


| Apr 10, 2019 | Applying for benefits

This year, the World Glaucoma Association and World Glaucoma Patient Association partnered together for World Glaucoma Awareness Week from March 9-14th. The event aimed to raise awareness about this disabling eye disorder, and encourage screening for the disease. Glaucoma is an eye condition in which there is damage to the optic nerve which causes an accumulation of pressure inside your eye. This pressure progressively increases, and the result can be complete vision loss. If treatment does not begin in time, the patient may go completely blind in a few years. Unfortunately, there is no complete cure for glaucoma. Early intervention, however, can delay the progression of the disease.

A family history of glaucoma may place you at an increased risk of the condition. If you have a family history of glaucoma, you should be getting your eyes screened for this condition at least once every year if you are above the age of 40. Other risk factors can include the prevalence of diabetes, injuries to the eye, and untreated eye infections and inflammations.  Glaucoma can, however, affect all people, and not just the middle-aged or elderly.

If you are suffering from Glaucoma, you may qualify for Social Security disability benefits under the list of impairments reserved for those with vision loss. However, just a diagnosis of glaucoma may not be enough for you to recover disability benefits. Vision loss at the earliest stages of the disorder may be minimal, and you may still be able to engage in “substantial gainful activity” which is work that can earn you a sustainable income.

Talk to an attorney as soon as you have been diagnosed with this condition. Also remember that the Social Security Administration has special exemptions for people who are filing for benefits on the basis of vision loss, including an increase in the limit on the amount that you are currently earning.

If you or a loved one suffers from glaucoma, talk to Atlanta Social Security disability benefits attorney Lisa Siegel and discuss your options for a claim.