Everyday People Matter

Do I Qualify for Social Security Benefits for Coronary Artery Disease?

| Oct 18, 2016 | Heart Attack

Different types of heart conditions may make a person eligible for disability benefits under the Social Security Disability Insurance program. However, merely being diagnosed with a heart condition does not necessarily qualify a person for benefits.

Take, for instance, the case of coronary artery disease. This is a condition in which there is a buildup of fatty deposits in the arteries. It can be very serious because the arteries are responsible for supplying blood to your heart muscles. Coronary artery disease can result in a heart attack when the arteries are severely blocked, cutting off the supply of oxygen to the heart muscles.

In order to qualify for benefits for coronary artery disease, you must prove that you suffer from the symptoms that are contained in the listing for myocardial ischemia. These include severe chest discomfort during exertion, or shortness of breath.

Most claims for Social Security disability benefits are determined based on the severe challenges that restrict a person from working.  Therefore, you must be able to prove that you are unable to perform the work that you were performing in the past, or not capable of doing a new job. This may help you qualify for benefits even if you do not meet the listing criteria. You must provide strong medical evidence that you are incapable of substantial gainful activity, which would help you earn a sustainable income. You must also be able to prove that you have undertaken three months of treatment in order to qualify for benefits.

Many claims for coronary artery disease are rejected at the initial stage. However, the probability of an award of benefits increases at the appeals stage. It’s important not to lose hope if your claim is first denied, and to go ahead and file an appeal with the help of an attorney.