Gastroparesis is a condition in which the muscles of the stomach wall have become too weakened to contract and force the food from the stomach into the small intestine. Therefore, the stomach does not empty properly. Gastroparesis can be caused by diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, certain medications or drug use, and sometimes the cause is unknown.
Similarly, there is a wide range of adverse effects on patients. Some patients experience nausea and vomiting, some develop bacterial infections from the undigested food, and some can develop blockages from food that cannot move to the small intestine. Additionally, the symptoms can range from mild to severe, varying wildly from day to day. There is no cure, but doctors can prescribe medication to help patients manage their lives.
Medical Eligibility for Gastroparesis
Social Security does not list Gastroparesis as a specific medical impairment; however, since Gastroparesis is a digestive system condition, you may be able to qualify for disability under one of the digestive system criteria. If an underlying cause was diagnosed for your Gastroparesis and that disease IS on the SSA list of medical impairments, you might be able to qualify based on that listing.