Bipolar disorder , also known as manic-depressive, is a mood disorder, and like other mood disorders, can be difficult to diagnose. In fact, early symptoms of bipolar are often attributed to general moodiness or tiredness. Unfortunately, those issues to tend to lead to more problematic conditions if left undiagnosed and untreated.
Bipolar disorder is characterized by episodes of mania and depression. An individual who suffers from bipolar disorder goes through phases of mania, in which he may completely lose touch with reality, followed immediately by episodes of extreme depression. The person may also find it difficult to complete tasks, and may start several projects, only to leave them incomplete. During the mania phase, a person with bipolar disorder may speak very rapidly, and for long periods of time. They often also jump from topic to topic.
Depression sets in during the low phases of bipolar disorder. The person may suffer from problems that include loss of appetite, sleeplessness, and low energy levels. He or she may also feel very irritable.
Social Security Disability Benefits for Bipolar Disorder
A person who suffers from bipolar disorder may qualify for Social Security benefits, but this depends on the kind symptoms that he or she suffers from during periods of mania and depression.
If your condition impairs your ability to work, you may be entitled to disability benefits. The Social Security Administration will require that you have a history of consistent episodes of mania or depression, or a combination of both. It will also require that your symptoms limit your daily activities, prevent you from interacting with others normally, as well as that you experience recurring episodes of decompensation, lasting for long durations.