Back pain is one of the most problematic medical conditions in the United States, and is linked to thousands of cases of severe disability. The simple truth is that the back is necessary for almost all work-related activities, and having problems in that area of the body almost always has a negative impact on other areas. However, in spite of the fact that millions of Americans suffer from this debilitating condition, there are very few therapies that have been found to consistently work. While surgeries and painkillers are prescribed in most cases, very often, people continue to suffer from pain in spite of these treatments.
Over the past few years, experts have been more inclined to recommend other less expensive treatments that may actually help treat back pain better than more expensive options, like surgery. To find relief, some patients with back pain are now encouraged to attend “pain boot camps,” where they are basically trained to help them deal with their pain. Routine exercise is one method that is focused-on in these training sessions.
However, it is important to understand that there are cases of serious and chronic pain in which people may simply not be able to withstand the pain, or mentally block it out. In cases where people suffer from such debilitating pain, they may barely be able to get out of bed and move about on a bad day, let alone go to work. In these cases, disability benefits may be the only way to provide for the most necessary living expenses. This is why the SSDI and SSI systems exist.